Lhasa Apso is an independent dog breed filled with love and always willing to follow you wherever you go. If you own Lhasa Apso and you obviously adore seeing him/her smile, you might be wondering if there are more ways to make them smile. Knowing Lhasa Apso’s personality, traits and all of the things they love, I figured I would share some of the ways you can make your Lhasa Apso smile like never before. As beautiful as they are, Lhasa Apso also loves socializing with his family, enjoys walks and will nearly always be more than happy to get a treat for his trainings, praises and much more!
While Lhasa Apso seems like a small dog breed and very fragile, they can actually do many things with you and easily follow up no matter what. With proper training and a lot of love, your Lhasa Apso will be just as active as other dogs and willing to have lots of fun on the way. Many owners claim their Lhasa Apso’s are fearless little dogs who simply never grow up.
Though, if you truly want to see your Lhasa Apso happy and smiling at all times, you should check out 100 ways I have come up with that will help you achieve that!
Buy Your Lhasa Apso All Of These Amazing Gifts
Buy boxes or containers for your Lhasa Apso
It is no surprise, our pets are huge fans of boxes and containers, your Lhasa Apso will love hiding and peaking out of a box and see you laugh!
Pick the best dog toys, soft plush dogs
Just like we got our favorite video games, your Lhasa Apso will need a plush toy to entertain him/herself when you are busy or away from home.
Give your Lhasa Apso a window seat in your car
Don’t we all enjoy staring through the window when we drive in a car? Your Lhasa Apso will love seeing the people, other dogs, and nature as you drive around in your car.
Buy a dog pool for your Lhasa Apso
In hot summer days, even your Lhasa Apso will appreciate some refreshment. Get a dog pool for your Lhasa Apso and see him/her enjoy fight the hot dry weather!
Treat your Lhasa Apso with grilled chicken frequently
Lhasa Apso is known for loving chicken meat, it is healthy and advisable to treat your best friend with whenever you possibly can!

Take your Lhasa Apso to a park or a beach regularly
Lhasa Apso loves going somewhere with their owners, taking him/her to a park or a beach will surely bring a huge smile on their adorable face.
Stroke your Lhasa Apso to put him/her to sleep
Don’t we all enjoy getting stroked before falling asleep? Your Lhasa Apso will be filled with love if you decide to stroke him/her to sleep, they are cuddly and love all of the attention you can give!
Give massages to your Lhasa Apso
Give a massage to your Lhasa Apso, they are cuddly and they will love feeling how much you care about them. Many even fall asleep while they get a massage!
Sing a song your Lhasa Apso loves
There must be a certain song your Lhasa Apso enjoys hearing, learn it and make sure you sing it to him/her sometimes. He/she will be happy you took the time to learn the song and enjoy it even more than before!
Buy good bathing wipes for your Lhasa Apso so they can smell wonderful
Lhasa Apso is a breed who simply enjoys being clean, make sure you pick the best bathing wipes for your Lhasa Apso and feel how wonderful they can actually smell!

Get a comfortable bed or a chair for your Lhasa Apso
Who does not enjoy having a comfortable chair or a bed to lay on? Your Lhasa Apso deserves to have a soft cozy bed to rest on, they will appreciate it and be well rested at all times!
Buy personalized water and food bowls for your Lhasa Apso
Your Lhasa Apso should have his/her own special food and water bowl. Today, there are many bowls available, some can even feature the name of your Lhasa Apso!
Buy a well-flavored toothpaste to brush your Lhasa Apso’s teeth
If you want your Lhasa Apso to have a bright lovely smile, make sure you get him/her a nicely flavored toothpaste that they will enjoy. If brushing teeth used to be a problem, not with this toothpaste, it won’t be!
Use appropriate combs and brushes to groom your Lhasa Apso
Knowing Lhasa Apso has a glamorous coat and an undercoat, it is obvious you will need proper grooming tools in order to keep him/her as beautiful as they are. Lhasa Apso loves looking good, it will surely bring a smile on their face!
Take a trip to a grassy field closeby, Lhasa Apso enjoys grass and open space
There is no better way to enjoy nice sunny weather than to take your Lhasa Apso on a huge grassy field. Your Lhasa Apso will be active, playing fetch, finding the sticks and enjoy a good time with you.
Give your Lhasa Apso freedom to explore certain places
As intelligent as they are, Lhasa Apso is always very curious and will want to explore all of the places around your home, let him/her do it. This might make them feel better at home and bring a beautiful smile on their face.
Get a pet water fountain for your Lhasa Apso
Pet fountains are great, they keep the water fresh and healthy for your Lhasa Apso.
Make a nice hot pad for your Lhasa Apso to feel warm during winters
Your Lhasa Apso will be loving a hot pad in the winter! After a walk in the snow, your Lhasa Apso will be excited to warm up on his hot pad as soon as he gets home!
Buy your Lhasa Apso the best shampoo you can find
It is no secret Lhasa Apso requires a lot of grooming and frequent baths. Knowing this, you should probably try and get the best shampoo you can find for your Lhasa Apso.
Buy favorite dog biscuits for your Lhasa Apso
Just like you enjoy eating Snickers sometimes, your Lhasa Apso loves his favorite dog biscuits. Reward your Lhasa Apso with their favorite biscuit whenever you believe it is the right time.
Buy a special soft blanket for your Lhasa Apso
Everyone loves soft blankets, they make us feel cozy and cuddly whenever we get to feel them. The same thing goes for your Lhasa Apso, they love soft blankets and getting one for them will surely make them happy!

Communicate With Your Lhasa Apso
Wish a good morning to your Lhasa Apso whenever you wake up
Make sure you wish a good morning to your Lhasa Apso every morning, give them a hug and show them how glad you are to see them in the morning!
Give your Lhasa Apso a warm hug and shower him/her with a lot of love and care
We all enjoy a warm hug and a feeling of love. Your Lhasa Apso does too! Make sure you hug your best friend frequently, give him/her a kind word and show them how much you truly care.
Keep your windows open for your Lhasa Apso
Assuming you have insect protection, open your windows and make sure the room your Lhasa Apso is in is always filled with fresh air, give him/her a chance to listen to the birds outside and watch the leaves fall off the trees.
Give your Lhasa Apso proper brushing every single day
Owning proper brushes is important, but it is even more important to brush your Lhasa Apso every day, their coat is long and rather heavy. Without brushing, your Lhasa Apso will struggle with tangles and other issues that might occur avoiding brushing.

Take your Lhasa Apso for a daily walk in the morning
Morning walks are healthy for you, but also very healthy for your Lhasa Apso. They often show your dog how much you care and let him enjoy the fresh morning air.
Provide your Lhasa Apso with their favorite food
Lhasa Apso loves food, they are real foodies and will always be willing to eat. Know their favorite foods and reward them with it whenever it is well deserved. Just by tasting his/her favorite food, your Lhasa Apso will show you a big smile on their face.
Always take your Lhasa Apso with you in the car
Most pets hate staying alone, especially Lhasa Apso. Try and take him/her with you on a ride, they might appreciate the fact you decided to take them with you and they will be giving smiles throughout the window to everyone!
Take your Lhasa Apso on a picnic with you
Lhasa Apso is a breed that simply wants to be around you at all times, taking him/her on a picnic with you will be a blast! You will be enjoying your favorite cup of tea, while he/she will be sniffing the grass and enjoy his/her favorite treats!
Take your Lhasa Apso on a long walk every now and then
Lhasa Apso might not be a perfect dog for extremely long walks, but they will love it every now and then! Pick a long walking path and see your Lhasa Apso get sleepy on the way home, with a smile on their face of course!

Rub your Lhasa Apso’s belly and chest, they will enjoy it
Most dogs enjoy getting rubbed on their belly and chest area, Lhasa Apso does too. If you rub his/her belly and chest for long enough, you will surely notice a big smile it brought on their face.
Allow your Lhasa Apso to sit on your lap
Lhasa Apso is a dog who wants to be as close to you as possible, allow him/her to sit on your lap and show him you enjoy having him around.
Talk to your Lhasa Apso just like you would talk to children
While this might sound weird, your Lhasa Apso will actually enjoy hearing your vocals and will easily understand what you mean by listening to the tone of your voice. Talk to him/her as you would talk to a child.
Let your Lhasa Apso roam through the entire house/apartment
It is important your Lhasa Apso can enjoy his home without any worry at all. Let him explore the basement, all of the rooms, bathroom, and kitchen. This will help him feel safe and welcome in his own home.
Teach your Lhasa Apso to communicate with you
Knowing your Lhasa Apso can actually understand certain things you say, you should try and teach him how to communicate well as well.

Hold your Lhasa Apso like a baby and cuddle
Lhasa Apso is a breed often told to never grow up. It is very often you can see a grown-up Lhasa Apso acting like a real puppy. Keep this in mind, Lhasa Apso is actually a real baby in the dog world and they will enjoy being held like one.
Give a lot of attention to your Lhasa Apso at least a couple of times a day
There must be days you are free and bored of everything, give your attention to your Lhasa Apso whenever that happens.
Treat your Lhasa Apso with their favorite breakfast in the morning
Just as you enjoy eating pancakes in the morning, maybe your Lhasa Apso also has special wishes for breakfast. See what is their favorite breakfast and surprise them in the morning!
Cover your Lhasa Apso with a blanket while they are asleep
Keep your Lhasa Apso warm at all times covering them with a soft blanket whenever they fall asleep.

Make Your Lhasa Apso Stylish
Get special sunglasses for your Lhasa Apso and put a hat on their head, take pictures
Who says only humans can wear sunglasses, a hat and look good on a picture? Show to everyone how stylish your Lhasa Apso is.
Send your Lhasa Apso to a pet spa
We all deserve a spa treatment sometimes, your Lhasa Apso does too! There are many affordable pet spas nowadays, you can make your Lhasa Apso happy right away!
Give your Lhasa Apso a night walk in a pet stroller
Knowing they are really like babies, Lhasa Apso will enjoy night walks in a pet stroller!
Give a special nickname for your Lhasa Apso
We are often giving nicknames to people we adore, you can also give an adorable nickname for your best friend!
Include your Lhasa Apso in your tea time
Tea time is a perfect time for you to include your Lhasa Apso! They will enjoy being around you while you sip on your favorite cup of tea.

Give wet food to your Lhasa Apso at least twice a week
To keep your Lhasa Apso well fed and happy, give him wet food at least twice a week. Wet food is known to be very easily digested and your Lhasa Apso will enjoy not having to chew too much all the time as well!
Buy a new collar for your Lhasa Apso
Make sure you always buy the right size of a collar for your Lhasa Apso!
Get your Lhasa Apso brand new clothes
There are many websites and stores selling pet clothing if you look around you will notice Adidas hoodies, fancy coats and many other clothing pieces for your Lhasa Apso.
Make a jungle gym for your Lhasa Apso
If you wish to keep your Lhasa Apso active and agile at all times, build him/her a jungle gym. These are great because they will promote healthy behavior and physical activity in your Lhasa Apso.

Give your Lhasa Apso a chance to participate in various competitions
Lhasa Apso is a fearless small dog breed who often forgets how small they really are. This makes them competitive and always looking forward to winning!
Get a shirt with an image of your Lhasa Apso
While this will probably not make your Lhasa Apso extremely happy, it is a fun way to show how amazing your dog is to everyone!
Treat your Lhasa Apso with a special dish at least once a week
Find a special dish your Lhasa Apso enjoys the most, surprise him/her with it at least once a week and see them love you more than ever!
Visit a pet bakery and let your Lhasa Apso pick the treat of his/her choice
If you have a pet bakery nearby, visit it with your Lhasa Apso! Your Lhasa Apso will probably rush toward their favorite treat and this is what you should buy!
Read a book out loud to your Lhasa Apso
Your Lhasa Apso might not fully understand the meaning of the book you are reading, but they will be well aware of your effort and love you put into it!
Make an Instagram profile for your Lhasa Apso
Lately, more and more pet owners open Instagram profiles of their dogs, cats and more. Your Lhasa Apso can become a star just by being him/herself and have you take pictures!
Buy a fancy leash for your Lhasa Apso
It is no surprise you should get a fancy leash for your Lhasa Apso, having a new collar and so much energy, it is more than obvious your Lhasa Apso deserves a perfect leash!
Get a leash rack with your Lhasa Apso’s picture on it
It is adorable entering your house just to see your Lhasa Apso’s picture and a leash rack featuring it! Whoever enters the house will know about the adorable creature you own!
Get bathing toys for your Lhasa Apso
As playful as they are, Lhasa Apso might not be fond of water, but having toys in the water might change it completely! Get a couple bathing toys for your Lhasa Apso and watch him/her have the time of their life!

Take Good Care Of Your Lhasa Apso
Give your Lhasa Apso all the needed baths
Never forget the importance of bathing your Lhasa Apso, with their coat being as beautiful as it is, it also needs a lot of care and effort.
Keep your Lhasa Apso clean at all times
If your Lhasa Apso gets dirty outside, do not wait two days to give him/her a bath. Do it right away and make sure he feels good after. Lhasa Apso hates being dirty.
Visit veterinarian with your Lhasa Apso for health-checkups
Keep your Lhasa Apso healthy and happy all the time, visit your veterinarian and do all of the health checkups whenever it is needed. If you have any questions to ask, ask right away, it is all for the good of your little best friend!
Be first to notice if your Lhasa Apso gets sick or acts weird
As a proud owner of a Lhasa Apso, you should be the first one to notice any issues or complications with your Lhasa Apso. Always pay attention to his/her behavior and their meals.

Never leave your Lhasa Apso alone for a long time
Lhasa Apso is prone to depression issues if left alone for a long time. If you ever need to leave your Lhasa Apso alone, consider pet boarding services!
Vaccinate your Lhasa Apso whenever it is needed
Vaccinations are important and every dog owner needs to do them. Make sure your Lhasa Apso has gotten all of the required vaccinations.
Celebrate your Lhasa Apso’s birthday
Bring a big smile to your Lhasa Apso’s face for his/her birthday! You can make a cake out of pet food and show him/her how important they are to you!
Let your Lhasa Apso watch dog TV channels
Today, there are many TV channels featuring program for pets. If you need to leave your Lhasa Apso for a while alone, let him watch his favorite dog TV channel. It is believed these help the dogs feel less alone.
Share the morning kisses with your Lhasa Apso
Lhasa Apso loves kisses, we all do! Kiss your Lhasa Apso every morning you wake up! It will make him/her smile and he/she will always look forward to seeing you in the morning!
Make special fruit ice-cubes for your Lhasa Apso in the summer
We all enjoy fruit ice-cubes in the summer. Lhasa Apso will love them too! Pick his/her favorite fruit and make a deliciously refreshing treat for your Lhasa Apso!

Let your Lhasa Apso participate in racing games with other dogs
Lhasa Apso is a competitive one, dominant and fearless. He/she will enjoy participating in racing games or other games you come up with!
Keep your Lhasa Apso free of insects, flea and ticks
Always have medicines that will help keep your Lhasa Apso free of all the insects, flea and possible ticks.
Come up with games for your Lhasa Apso
There are many ways to play with your Lhasa Apso! You can come up with anything depending on the personality of your Lhasa Apso, this will not only be a lot of fun, but it will also give you the smile you have been looking for!
Give your Lhasa Apso a ride on a bike with you
Maybe you do not own a car or you just simply enjoy going around the old-school way. Take your Lhasa Apso with you on a bike, he/she will enjoy feeling the wind blow in their face and will love the fact you are the one driving them somewhere!
Come up with surprises for your Lhasa Apso
You know your Lhasa Apso better than anyone, and if anyone can surprise them, it will be you. Make sure you think of surprises you can do for your Lhasa Apso, and bring a smile on his/her face!
Teach your Lhasa Apso to get along with other animals
It is often said Lhasa Apso does not get along with other animals, if this is the case, you should not worry! You can easily teach your Lhasa Apso how to behave around other animals and in no time, they can even become best friends!
Let your Lhasa Apso play in the bathtub
Some owners dislike seeing their dog play in the bathtub. You should not be one of these owners, your Lhasa Apso will feel happy and ready for a nice bath if you let him/her play there for a little bit.

If you go camping, take your Lhasa Apso with you
If you are going on regular camping and not anything extreme, you can always take your Lhasa Apso with you! They are an adventurous dog breed and they will enjoy it!
Always keep the litter box of your Lhasa Apso clean
Lhasa Apso hates being dirty, for that reason, try to keep his/her litter box clean at all times. Some owners claim their Lhasa Apso refused to use the litterbox unless it is completely clean.
Craft a window bench for your Lhasa Apso so he/she can enjoy the view
Lhasa Apso is a curious little dog, they enjoy staring through the window just like cats. If you can, craft a window bench for your Lhasa Apso, they will enjoy the view and other animals they can see outside.
Come Up With Special Tricks For Your Lhasa Apso
Lhasa Apso is a playful dog breed, they love good praise and a treat reward afterward. Teaching your Lhasa Apso some of the following tricks will most probably bring many laughs and giggles to your home. As adorable as they are, Lhasa Apso is also very intelligent and with enough effort, they can turn to be a hilarious little dog breed everyone will adore.
Teach your Lhasa Apso self-control
The wait command is one of the great tricks to encourage self-control in your Lhasa Apso. By learning the wait command, your Lhasa Apso will be getting a reward and will always wait for your permission before doing anything.
Teach your Lhasa Apso to give a paw
Giving the paw trick has been around forever, teaching your Lhasa Apso to give you a paw on command is adorable, it will surely bring many smiles on peoples faces, and make you proud!
Teach your Lhasa Apso to bark on command
Certain Lhasa Apso owners claim they have had issues with barking. Teaching your Lhasa Apso how to bark on command will make teaching him not to bark a lot easier!
Teach your Lhasa Apso how to be quiet and bark less
Certain Lhasa Apso owners claim they have had issues with barking. Teaching your Lhasa Apso how to bark less is possible only after you teach him how to bark on command.
Teach your Lhasa Apso how to fetch
It is very easy to teach Lhasa Apso about fetching. Show him the toy, let him know what is the name of the toy and start fetching around. This is a great method of teaching your Lhasa Apso item names and making them bring them for a reward.

Teach your Lhasa Apso to wave
If you teach your Lhasa Apso how to wave, he/she will be greeting people without getting too excited and jumpy. A waving trick is usually a trick for the audience but it is also a great trick for any dog who is easily trained.
Teach your Lhasa Apso how to dance
Who would not enjoy having a dog who can dance and look all adorable? Teaching your Lhasa Apso how to dance, or at least try to dance is great! It can lift the confidence of your dog and make him a real entertainer in no time!
Teach your Lhasa Apso to give a kiss on command
It is adorable seeing dog owners and their dogs kiss on command! You can do the same with your Lhasa Apso. This is one of the easiest tricks to teach and will bring a real smile on both of your faces!

Related Questions
How long can a Lhasa Apso live? Lhasa Apso dog breed can live up to 20 years, their average lifetime is however 15-16 years. Depending on the amount of care you do, your dog can easily live even longer than that.
What is the best toothpaste for my dog? There are many kinds of toothpaste for dogs available on the market. Picking the best one depends on you, you know how your dog reacts to certain flavors and you probably know how is the situation in his mouth. Make sure you never use human toothpaste, they are toxic for the dogs.