Lhasa Apso are one of those dog breeds that always get attention no matter where they are seen. Lhasa Apso usually attracts people who are all about their glamorous coat and endearing personality. As glamorous as they are, Lhasa Apso is also very intelligent and a loyal dog breed.
If you never had a Lhasa Apso, but you are planning to get one, you might want to know more about the traits of this adorable dog breed. While a Lhasa Apso really does stand out when it comes to their appearance, they also stand out when it comes to their personality. With their personality of a ‘’diva’’, this lovely breed surely does not get along with everyone, and just because of that – every potential owner should know a bit more about them before getting one. In order to help you understand this adorable breed, I have gathered 50 Lhasa Apso traits that will give you a slight idea about how a Lhasa Apso functions. You might not be able to find all of the traits in your Lhasa Apso, but these are general traits of the breed.
As you can see, Lhasa Apso might be a small companion dog, but it is an outstanding small companion dog! They make great buddies and can turn out to be an amazing dog breed with the right amount of training and socialization. While they are not as easy to train due to their manipulative and independent personality, it is all possible with the right owners! This adorable dog breed is not for everyone, it is for those who are willing to put time and effort into having the best dog they can. Lhasa Apso is a dog who will show appreciation by giving their owners a lot of love and affection.
50 Lhasa Apso Traits
1.Very Intelligent

Lhasa Apso is a very intelligent dog breed, they know exactly what they want. Being as intelligent as they are, these dogs are not easily tricked, they are wise. A Lhasa Apso will not tolerate unfairness and bad behavior, they deserve to be respected and they are well aware of that themselves. There are certain Lhasa Apso owners who will tell you this small dog is very disobedient, but do not let that fool you. Disobedience in Lhasa Apso is nothing more but their way of refusing to do something they do not like or find annoying. Knowing how to approach and train your Lhasa Apso is a crucial thing if you want to make them obedient.
2. Strong-Willed

Most intelligent dog breeds are also said to be very strong-willed. A Lhasa Apso is one of these dog breeds and while ‘’strong-willed’’ can have both, positive and negative sides – Lhasa Apso has shown to have a great potential thanks to their strong-will and instincts. If a Lhasa Apso wants to go outside and have a walk, they will do anything to get that. You will find a Lhasa Apso to be the dog who does their best just to get the things they want. Knowing this, it is important to note that a Lhasa Apso must be taught how to behave no matter what. Teaching them how to behave will not only keep it peaceful when it is needed but also show to your Lhasa Apso that you are the ‘’boss’’.
3. Affectionate With Family

There are dog breeds who are affectionate mainly to the person they were raised by, with Lhasa Apso, it is different. Lhasa Apso is a dog breed that has affection for the whole family. A Lhasa Apso will show their affection to the family members by doing all of the adorable things that bring a smile and joy to their lives. At times, Lhasa Apso will make you all smile when you least expect it – it is just what they do and they are great at doing it!
4. Possessive

Lhasa Apso is a very possessive dog breed, they can get moody and very possessive of their food, toys or something they believe is theirs. When a Lhasa Apso is extremely possessive of their food and toys, they can get rather violent and aggressive. In their mind, you are trying to take away their meal, you are stealing their toys and taking them away. Their reaction is all based on their instinct, they only try to guard their things. Making sure your Lhasa Apso does not end up as possessive as they usually can be, you can train them to understand your intentions and make them less worried about you trying to ‘’steal’’ something of their own.
5. Good For Apartment Living

Lhasa Apso is well adapted to living in an apartment or indoors in general. Knowing Lhasa Apso is a small companion dog, it is easy to say it is an amazing dog breed to share your small quarters with. While they enjoy having a yard to run through each day, a Lhasa Apso is one of the dog breeds that do a lot better living indoors.
6. Low-Shedding

Lhasa Apso might look like they shed a lot, but really, they do not. Lhasa Apso is a low-shedding dog breed, they have a unique way of shedding. Their unique way of shedding is all about having long hair, so heavy that shedding is just very unsuitable for them. A Lhasa Apso never sheds frequently or in large quantities, they just shed very slowly and that is also a great plus for those who wish to keep them indoors.
7. Requires A Lot Of Maintenance

Lhasa Apso really is a beauty of a dog, but all of that beauty also requires a lot of maintenance and patience. Those who own a Lhasa Apso are required to give them baths every two weeks, trim their hair whenever it is needed, cut their nails whenever they can be heard clipping on the floor, brush their teeth twice a week, frequently clean their ears and brush their coat on a daily basis. All these things are important in order to keep a Lhasa Apso healthy and looking pretty. Teaching your Lhasa Apso how to adapt to these situations and make it a ritual is extremely important at their young age.
8. Average Energy Levels

There are many small companion dogs who are just so hyperactive they are a pain to handle at times. Lhasa Apso is much more peaceful, their moderate energy level is very easy to handle and they do not require a lot of exercises to function properly. While Lhasa Apso is not very high on energy levels, they should not be napping all day and do nothing. Make sure you take your Lhasa Apso for a walk at least twice a day, play with them in the backyard, fetch and make them tired.
9. Requires Training

Now that you know Lhasa Apso is strong-willed, intelligent and very possessive, you must accept the fact that some basic training is required. Make sure you teach your Lhasa Apso basic dog commands, dog vocabulary and make sure they know how to be well-behaved at all times. As you train your Lhasa Apso, be sure to praise them and reward them when they do well. Negativity, yelling and frustration should never be present around a Lhasa Apso who is having a training session.
10. Suspicious Of Strangers

Lhasa Apso is a dog breed that is very suspicious of strangers, they tend to get nervous, start barking and even biting if they feel someone unknown is approaching them. Teaching your Lhasa Apso at a young age about socialization and good behavior will surely lower the risk of your Lhasa Apso snapping and nipping at strangers. Their suspiciousness of strangers comes from their watchdog responsibilities, they feel distrust and have great observation skills.
11. Very Sensitive

Lhasa Apso is one of the dog breeds that are very sensitive. When I say sensitive I mean their hearing and mood can be very sensitive at times. A Lhasa Apso will easily hear any suspicious or unknown sounds, they can bark and try to alarm you of those sounds – this is their watchdog skill and because of that, try to avoid any sounds they are not used to as they can get scared and panic. When it comes to their mood, a Lhasa Apso only wants to feel appreciated, they love a positive word and praise, they love treat rewards.
12. Hardy And Healthy

Lhasa Apso might be a small companion dog, but they are actually well-muscled and hardy dog breed. Lhasa Apso is a very healthy dog breed sometimes suffering from eye problems. These eye problems are nothing very serious and it can all be solved with proper therapy. Lhasa Apso can have long walks and still have enough energy to keep on going, though, they require decent meals and a lot of maintenance in order to maintain their well-being and health.
13. Does Not Require A Lot Of Exercises

As already stated above, Lhasa Apso really does not require a lot of exercise. Your Lhasa Apso will be more than happy to have two walks a day with you, but they will also be extremely happy if you take them on an adventure with you. If you are an active person and you enjoy hiking, swimming or simply walking in nature, take your Lhasa Apso with you, that will be a whole new experience to them and you will have many good laughs.
14. Prone To Obesity

Do not be one of those owners who cannot say ‘’no’’ to those beautiful soulful eyes. Lhasa Apso’s are prone to obesity and it can actually turn to be a significant health problem. Obesity is something to take for serious as it can cause many other health problems to a Lhasa Apso. Obese Lhasa Apso has a higher chance of having joint, metabolic and digestive disorders, even heart disease. Your Lhasa Apso might love food rewards, but make sure you put a healthy limit on them, instead take your Lhasa Apso for a walk, play a game with them or just brush their lovely coat!
15. Stubborn Personality

There will be times your Lhasa Apso will simply not do anything you want them to do and it will be doing everything you do not want them to do. This is fine, but it is something you must know how to control. The more time you put into training and socializing with your Lhasa Apso, the less they are going to be showing their stubbornness.
16. Very Territorial

It is only logical to say that a Lhasa Apso is a very territorial dog breed. They were trained by the monks in Tibet to protect their monasteries, it is their instinct to be territorial and guard their territory. Your Lhasa Apso will make sure to leave a mark wherever they can and they will often show aggression to people or animals who invade their territory or privacy.
17. Long-Lived

Lhasa Apso can live for a long time, their average lifespan is 12 up to 15 years of age. However, some of Lhasa Apso’s can live even longer than that. The oldest Lhasa Apso ever had 29 years when he passed away. The lifespan of a Lhasa Apso varies depending on their general health and possible health conditions. The care and maintenance of a Lhasa Apso also play a very important role that can make them live for a very very long time.
18. Manipulative

Lhasa Apso is a rather manipulative dog breed though, they will do anything to do things their way and have it all the way they planned. Unlike most dogs out there, Lhasa Apso will like to please you, but not as much as other dogs. They are going to try and manipulate you to give them food rewards, make themselves look adorable just so you have a hard time saying ‘’no’’ to them.
19. Extremely Curious

An intelligent dog is often also a very curious dog. Lhasa Apso is a small companion dog filled with curiosity, they will follow you, listen to your conversations and sniff around the place they do not know well. They like to investigate all of the spots in the house and even leave a mark on them to show you they found it. Lhasa Apso enjoys playing games where you hide their toys and they need to look for them.
20. Loves Attention

Lhasa Apso is called a ‘’diva’’ for many reasons, one of them is the attention. Lhasa Apso enjoys getting lots of attention, they always want to be the center of all the happenings and know everyone who is around them. You can often see Lhasa Apso making tricks and looking all adorable just to get all of the attention, they like to entertain people and bring joy to the place with their clownish behavior at times.
21. Prone To Barking

Lhasa Apso is a real barker, they just bark at everything. Doorbells, mail carriers, noise at night, even when you leave the house, your Lhasa Apso will be barking. You must teach your Lhasa Apso when he is allowed to bark and when he is not. Lhasa Apso mainly barks due to their instinct, it is in their nature to alert and let you know if there is something suspicious happening. As the owner of a Lhasa Apso, you must know how to take control of excessive barking and lower the disturbance levels to your family and neighbors.
22. Hates Being Left Alone

Lhasa Apso does not like being left alone and they suffer if they are left alone for a long time. Those owners who leave their Lhasa Apso alone very often speak of separation anxiety their dogs struggle with now. Separation anxiety is terrible but it can be fixed by changing the routines and teaching your dog how to be alone. There are many Lhasa Apso’s out there who like to create a mess or ruin shoes of their owners just because they hate being alone and feel lonely.
23. Needs To Be Socialized

You know that Lhasa Apso is very suspicious of strangers, but that is not the only reason why you must socialize your Lhasa Apso. Socializing your Lhasa Apso at a young age will teach them how to behave before other pets, children, friends and even yourself. Socialization is crucial for those who have small children, as Lhasa Apso is not very tolerant to unfairness and pain, they can snap and cause injuries if children are not taught how to act respectfully toward them.
24. Very Dominant

Lhasa Apso is a rather dominant small companion dog. They dislike sharing their food and toys with other pets and will often get mad if anyone tries to take them away. Some Lhasa Apso’s will start growling whenever you start scolding another pet, they will be jealous and act dominant right away. Approach Lhasa Apso as the leader, do an obedience class with them and teach them who is in charge. Lhasa Apso has to be reminded that they are not in charge as they are very dominant and bossy.
25. Excellent Watchdog

Lhasa Apso used to guard and protect the Tibetian monasteries back in the days, their purpose was being an excellent watchdog and they still show this awesome trait even today. While Lhasa Apso might look like a real ‘’diva’’, they were actually highly respected dogs and they feature some great watchdog traits as well. Lhasa Apso has an amazing alerting nature and is known to be very cautious of their surroundings. With their great hearing and distrust, Lhasa Apso is one of these dogs that will do anything to keep their family safe and well-informed.
26. Children Friendly

Lhasa Apso can get along with children and be great friends with them, but only if children know how to behave and act toward the dog. If children are not careful and act unfair to a Lhasa Apso, he/she can snap and never approach them in a friendly way again. Socialization of Lhasa Apso is just as important as socialization with children in order to have them get along. Those Lhasa Apso’s who are in contact with children on a daily basis have shown to be a lot easier to approach and less possessive of their toys and food.
27. Small But Sturdy

Lhasa Apso might be a small companion dog just like Maltese, but they are a lot more sturdy than Maltese dog breed. This is one of the rare small dog breeds that feature a lot of muscle mass on their body. Most Lhasa Apso’s actually weigh between 13 up to 22 pounds. Being so small yet sturdy, Lhasa Apso can spend a lot of time outside and not get tired, even if their energy level is only average, Lhasa Apso will be able to follow you in your activities whenever you want them to.
28. Very Loyal

Lhasa Apso loves themselves and their confidence is obvious at first sight, but they are also very loyal dogs to their families. Once Lhasa Apso shows their loyalty to you, that loyalty will stay there forever. So incredibly loyal, Lhasa Apso will consider you their best friend no matter what, they will always try to bring a smile on your face. Lhasa Apso knows and appreciates all the effort you put in making them pretty and giving them food, they will show their appreciation with crazy amounts of loyalty and love.
29. Loves Rewards And A Praise

There is nothing more adorable than a Lhasa Apso getting their favorite treat! Lhasa Apso enjoys getting rewards such as food, toys, and treats, but they also love getting good praise from their human. Each time your Lhasa Apso surprises you with their obedience or a new trick, reward them and see how well they will be doing next time. Praise and rewards seem to be one of the great ways to motivate your Lhasa Apso to listen and try doing better.
30. Entertaining

Who says intelligent creatures are not entertaining? Lhasa Apso is one of the dog breeds that will gladly play the clown just to make the entire room look at them and have a laugh. While they can be hilarious with their adorable poses and faces, they can also be very mischievous. Even if a Lhasa Apso seems like a clown at times, they are never a fool, everything they do, they do for a reason.
31. Hypoallergenic

Knowing Lhasa Apso does not shed very regularly, it is easy to say they are great for people who battle allergies. Their hair is so heavy that the allergens cannot easily escape in the air. While this does not mean they are non-allergenic, it means they do not cause as many allergic reactions as other dog breeds with shorter hair. Of course, this is only if Lhasa Apso gets proper grooming and health care.
32. Does Not Get Along With Cats

Naturally, a Lhasa Apso will not get along with cats, but this is not something you cannot fix. A Lhasa Apso can get along with cats but only if they are living together and their owners actually try to train them to get along with each other. The reason Lhasa Apso does not get along with cats is all due to the nature of dogs and cats in general. Teaching your Lhasa Apso how to behave and to avoid attacking neighbor cats might be a smart idea as soon as you get them. No one wants to have their cat chased and tortured by a dog.
33. Very Playful

Lhasa Apso is one of these dog breeds that are always ready for action. They are always playful and willing to do a round of fetch with their favorite new toy. While they might not be as energetic as most small dog companions, they will be more than glad to play around and show off their watchdog skills in the yard. There are many ways you can entertain and make your Lhasa Apso smile as you play and enjoy your time together.
34. Fearless, Brave

Lhasa Apso is a rather small dog breed compared to a Golden Retriever or a Samoyed. However, Lhasa Apso is brave and sometimes very fearless without any thought at all. A Lhasa Apso will often act just the same as a big dog, but they will not even think about the fact that they are three times smaller than them. While this scenario is actually funny to see, it can be very dangerous for your Lhasa Apso. Make sure your Lhasa Apso is aware of their size and does not go on to attack big grown-up dogs for no reason.
35. A Heart Of Gold

No matter the behavioral problems, domination, manipulation and barking, a Lhasa Apso can be an amazing family dog. With their heart of gold, Lhasa Apso will always be a friend who will be around to make you smile, even at your worst. Certain Lhasa Apso owners talk about how their dogs feel when they are sad and often do crazy things just to make them feel better. If you appreciate small but a golden heart, Lhasa Apso might be a perfect companion for you in your future adventures.
36. Rather Bossy

If you are the owner of multiple pets in the house, you must think of certain things first. If you get a Lhasa Apso there is a high possibility he/she will take over and become the leader. They tend to want to be the ‘’boss’’ and if they cannot be ‘’bossy’’ with their owners, they will just turn to other pets and rule them all. You do not want to mess up the peace in your household upon getting a Lhasa Apso puppy who will change the way everyone lived before. Make sure you teach your Lhasa Apso to adapt to the situation and do not let them be in charge at all times, all of your pets are worth the same, rules should be same for all of them.
37. Independent

One of the reasons certain Lhasa Apso’s can actually handle being alone at times is their independence. Lhasa Apso is an independent dog breed, they can easily entertain themselves when they want and they might not always need you around to function just well. You will often see your Lhasa Apso explore through the house, play with toys and not really pay attention to random things that are not interesting to them. They have independent minds and personality, they will not be begging you to entertain them, instead, they will do it themselves.
38. Needs Their Own Personal Space

Lhasa Apso might seem like a little bit spoiled dog breed, but it is what goes along with their ‘’diva’’ nickname. They need their own personal space and without it, they will feel bad and not loved. Make sure your Lhasa Apso always has a spot where they can be on their own, have their bowl of water and food, toys and their own bed. These things are very important to a Lhasa Apso and they will make sure to keep their eye on these things – they are possessive after all.
39. Gets Easily Distracted

Lhasa Apso features a very jumpy personality, their temperamental traits make them rather hard to train at times. A Lhasa Apso can easily get distracted by random things or random people who come into the room they are having their training sessions. The moment your Lhasa Apso loses their interest in training, you should give them a break. It is very hard to make them focused on one thing if there are things happening around them, they will be barking and looking around excitedly at all times.
40. Gets Along With Other Dogs

Lhasa Apso can actually get along with other dogs rather well, they are playful and sturdy so they cannot get injured very easily either. There are times a Lhasa Apso will react negatively to a dog on the street, but that is just as same as you disliking that annoying neighbor of yours. If you are planning to take your Lhasa Apso to a dog park, always make sure there are no negative reactions around the dogs who are in there, keep your eyes open and have them meet properly. Do not panic as your dog can feel that and will do the same right away.
41. Protective Of Their Surroundings

Lhasa Apso will growl and bark at anyone who touches their surroundings without permission, they will even get aggressive at people who make them feel uncomfortable. You must teach your Lhasa Apso to be less protective and guarding of their surroundings because they could snap at your best friend and make a very awkward situation. At times, try to take away their toy and have them understand that it is not stolen, just borrowed. Your dog does not have to bite everyone who approaches them and their surroundings.
42. Protective Of Their Family

Lhasa Apso is very affectionate to their family, they will show their love in all possible ways, but aside from being so affectionate – A Lhasa Apso can get very protective of their family as well. There are many owners who claim their Lhasa Apso does not let strangers nearby, they bark, jump at them and growl in order to scare them. If a Lhasa Apso notices their family member is in danger, they will risk their own selves in order to protect them, no matter their size and strength.
43. Great Therapy Dog

Lhasa Apso has an amazing and outgoing personality. With such great personality, Lhasa Apso is showing to be a great therapy dog as well. They can provide a lot of love for the patients and residents of nursing homes. Of course, not every Lhasa Apso is a great therapy dog, therapy dogs need to be well-behaved and taught ‘’manners’’. A Lhasa Apso can bring joy to any room at any place they are at, it is just that kind of a dog who loves and enjoy having all eyes on them.
44. Likes To Be Clean

Another lovely ‘’diva’’ trait of a Lhasa Apso is that they simply enjoy being clean and pretty. A Lhasa Apso might not stand before the mirror and check themselves out as we humans do, but they also like to look good and get told that. Making sure your Lhasa Apso is used to frequent baths and grooming chores will help you keep them as beautiful as they are. Keeping your Lhasa Apso beautiful will make them confident and bring them a lot of attention along the way – Lhasa Apso just loves to take all of the attention!
45. Has Excellent Memory

Not only Lhasa Apso feature a great amount of intelligence, but they also have an amazing memory. Your Lhasa Apso will easily remember the times when you usually feed them, they will poke you with their paws at the exact same time wondering where is their food. A Lhasa Apso also easily remembers rules and bits of their training, they adapt and use this in their advantage. There are certain Lhasa Apso owners who claim their dogs could remember the toys they had as puppies years later.
46. Has A Puppy-Like Nature

Not many dogs can have a personality of a puppy throughout their entire life – Lhasa Apso can. Some Lhasa Apso dogs feature very puppy-like behavior even later on in life, they seem clumsy and their curiosity can go over the roof at times. If you ever get a Lhasa Apso, pay attention to how they develop, years later, you will still catch them looking at you the way they did when they were a puppy, you will see them try doing something only a puppy would try to do.
47. Requires A Nutritious Diet

Lhasa Apso is not as simple to feed as you might think, they require a high-quality, nutritious diet and they need to be fed with care. A Lhasa Apso requires a lot of protein-rich food, they do not do well-eating food filled with grains and they benefit a lot from Omega-3 fatty acids. Their special diet helps them with their brain and eye development. There are Lhasa Apso’s out there who are very food sensitive, if your Lhasa Apso struggles with food, visit your veterinarian and have them identify the food triggers that are doing harm to your dog. Today, there are many great foods with alternative meat proteins.
48. A Great Lapdog

If you are looking for a dog who will enjoy spending hours on your lap and watch your favorite TV series with you, a Lhasa Apso will be a great choice for you. Many owners claim Lhasa Apso is a great pet for older people because they can be calm and enjoy their owners’ laps at any time of the day. They are cuddly and enjoy having their owners around them.
49. Self-Assured And Proud

The neverending traits of a ‘’diva’’ are something that makes Lhasa Apso such a special dog breed. They are very self-assured and proud, they think of themselves very highly and expect humans and other animals to think the same of them. Very demanding at times, a Lhasa Apso can be found showing off their adorable features and skills just to stand out of the crowd, they will be proud of the attention they managed to get and have no problems showing it off to anyone nearby.
50. Introvert Personality

Sometimes it will be very obvious that a Lhasa Apso is a dog breed that simply does need other dogs and pets around them, sometimes, not even people. They are fine having their family around them, but there are times they will require you to teach them how to socialize and act around other people. With so many distinctive features and facts about them, their introvert personality is just as positive as it can be negative. It is all about finding the perfect balance when it comes to the socialization of this lovely dog breed.
Related Questions
What is the average litter size of Lhasa Apso puppies? Lhasa Apso litter size can vary, there are Lhasa Apso mums who carry up to eight puppies, while some will carry only four. The average number of puppies produced in one pregnancy is six.
Where does the name ‘’Lhasa Apso’’ originate from? The ‘’Lhasa’’ in the name of a Lhasa Apso stands for the city of Lhasa, a longtime capital of Tibet. Word ‘’Apso’’ stands for the Tibetian word ‘’bearded’’. These two words combined make a ‘’Lhasa Apso’’ which is mainly translated to a ‘’long-haired Lhasa dog’’.