Every dog deserves to have his/her own toys – Dog toys should never be looked at as a luxury, but one of the priorities in the dog’s life, especially if you are a Lhasa Apso owner. Lhasa Apso may be a playful little dog breed, but they are also very independent dog breed by nature. They can spend hours just playing with their favorite toys, which is why you must give it all a little bit more thought than you usually would.
How to choose safe toys for your Lhasa Apso? Know your Lhasa Apso and their chewing habits, select toys from trusted manufacturers, read the labels and avoid toxins that harm your dog.
Choosing safe toys for your Lhasa Apso should not be a hard thing to do, especially if you know what are you looking for and how to look for it. Take into consideration everything you possibly can about your Lhasa Apso, think of their playstyle, behavior and chewing habits when buying a new toy for them. Know how to recognize good quality dog toys, read the labels and keep in mind the health and activity levels of your Lhasa Apso as you do. Look for toys that are pretty much indestructible, you do not want your Lhasa Apso eating stuffing from their favorite plushies or other, possibly very toxic materials. Today, no one is still even regulating dog toy safety, which means you must keep yourself informed and well-aware of the dangers certain dog toys may contain.
Knowing there is no one who regulates dog toy safety at the moment, there is a high possibility the store nearby also sells a toy or two that are possibly toxic for your Lhasa Apso. This article will help you learn how to check and find safe toys for a Lhasa Apso, but also teach you of the potential dangers and toxins that may be found in certain dog toys. (Check out the best healthy toys I recommend here)
(Also, check out answers to related questions you may have at the end of this article)
Know Your Lhasa Apso And Their Chewing Habits
There are many dog toys out there on the market, certain ones will do good to your Lhasa Apso’s mental health, while others might be designed to help them out with their physical health. You must know what type of toy you are looking for and know everything about your Lhasa Apso’s behavior, play style, chewing habits, and health before buying one.
Many dog owners forget to think about these things when buying a new toy for their little companion. It is important to think of your Lhasa Apso as a child when buying them a toy, you want something safe, yet fun so they are occupied and happy.

Ask yourself the most important question of all – What is the chewing habit of your Lhasa Apso?
There are three different types of dog’s personality when it comes to their crazy chewing habits. It is important for you to know which one out of the three is your Lhasa Apso and based on what you know, pick a toy that will suit their needs the best. One of the random toys you buy in a store will most likely end up broken in a day or two and then, your favorite blanket or shoes will end up being the target.
If your Lhasa Apso likes to take time and savor their favorite toys/chews, they are most likely a nibbler. Nibblers are the least destructible chewing personality, they give their toys and chews their full attention instead of ripping them apart right away.
If your Lhasa Apso feels the need to destroy anything they get into their mouth, they are most likely a destroyer. This type of chewer will chew on toys and chews so hard that they will destroy them and maybe even end up swallowing the pieces they managed to break. If your Lhasa Apso is a destroyer of this kind, you may want to be extra cautious with the materials used in their toys and chews.
Inhalers are the ones that require even more caution when it comes to their toys and chews. If your Lhasa Apso loves to bite off large chunks of toys or chews and then swallow them very fast, you might want to look for extremely durable toys/chews in order to prevent them from doing so. Swallowing big pieces of any material can be very bad for your dog, especially if you are unsure of what materials or possibly toxins there are in the first place.
Types of Toys
Your Lhasa Apso might not be a big chewer, but they will surely appreciate some other type of toy if that is the case. Maybe your Lhasa Apso would enjoy having to treat dispenser toys, interactive toys, self-amusement toys or maybe even comfort toys such as plushies. Each type of toy serves a different purpose, if you want to spark your Lhasa Apso’s intelligence, you will most likely want to get them some interactive type of a toy. (Check out 10 Playful Toys I recommend HERE)
Comfort Toys
Comfort toys are toys your Lhasa Apso has a bond with, it is most likely a plushie of some kind and they are often found sleeping with it.
Interactive Toys
Interactive toys are usually meant to encourage activity and bonding between your Lhasa Apso and you. These toys are mainly used when outside with your Lhasa Apso.
Treat Dispensers
Treat dispensers are seemingly the most favorite type of toys among Lhasa Apso dog breed. They love treats and they will willingly fight off their boredom by trying to get their favorite treat out of the dispensers.
Self Amusement
Self-amusement toys are a great option for those dogs who need to be left alone for a couple of hours. These toys are usually very durable and will handle your Lhasa Apso quite easily.
It is advised you are able to supervise your dog whenever you get them a new toy, that way you will easily determine whether it is safe for them or not.

Buying And Testing Quality Toys For Your Lhasa Apso
You probably already have a specific type of toy on your mind for your Lhasa Apso, but how do you know whether the product you are buying is properly made? How do you know whether the product will last for long or not? You do not want to buy a toy that could easily break your Lhasa Apso’s teeth, or a toy featuring weird flavorings that may have a bad and upsetting effect on your Lhasa Apso’s stomach. It is extremely important to pay attention to small details and give your best to find a suiting toy for your dearest companion.
Testing The Toys For Your Lhasa Apso
- Test the hardness of the toy you wish to buy for your Lhasa Apso. Press the toy with your thumbnail and if the toy does not give way, it is not a great choice since it may end up breaking their teeth and possibly injuring their mouth.
- The toy you are buying for your Lhasa Apso should not smell of any chemicals or other unidentified flavorings. Such smells and flavorings can cause very serious digestive problems.
- Pay attention to the exact size and shape of the toy you wish to buy for your Lhasa Apso. You do not want to buy a toy that is so small your Lhasa Apso could choke on it, but you also do not want a toy that could cause injuries to their mouths.
Carefully pick the toys that are a suitable size and shape for your Lhasa Apso.
- Only look for the toys you can properly clean and disinfect. Certain toys are very hard to clean and they are usually a gathering of various bacteria. Buy toys that are easily washable in a dishwasher or washing machine.
- While the hardness of the toy is an important thing to pay attention to, the durability and softness are just as important. You do not want to buy a toy that is too soft or poorly designed, such toys break easily and your Lhasa Apso may end up swallowing the pieces and chunks.
- What is the use of a dog toy, if your dog never plays with it? Pick a toy you know your Lhasa Apso will love. Toys with great entertainment value can provide your Lhasa Apso with hours of entertainment and distraction.
- Buy a variety of toys for your Lhasa Apso, this way you will be sparking their interest right away and probably keep them occupied a lot more than you normally would. It makes sense, why would anyone want to play with the same toy all the time?
Things To Avoid And Pay Attention To When It Comes To New Dog Toys
- You should never be buying any toys that feature single air holes, these toys can create a suction trap and it can end up very bad for your dog.
- Avoid buying heavily dyed toys, these toys contain toxic paints that can leave deadly consequences.
- Avoid buying any of the soft plastic toys available on the market, these break very easily and the chunks can be swallowed by your dog. These chunks can contain toxic chemicals and damage your Lhasa Apso’s health.
- Never use toys as a replacement for interaction with your dog, it is not the same.
- Avoid toys your Lhasa Apso can work to the back of their mouth, these are dangerous and can lead to deadly choking.
Taking Care Of Your Lhasa Apso’s Toys And Benefits They Bring To Their Life
Every living creature requires some kind of stimulation in their life, dogs do too! To dogs, their toys are just as important as their food or their bed, their toys are their basic necessity. A dog without their favorite toy is probably a very sad dog.
Toys are a great way to promote healthy living in your Lhasa Apso, they encourage exercise, promote healthy gums and teeth, they help with boredom, stimulate intelligence and often even provide companionship to your Lhasa Apso when they need it. A Lhasa Apso with good quality toys is a healthy and happy Lhasa Apso.
When Is The Right Time To Get Rid Of The Toy?
Many dog owners completely forget about cleaning their dog’s toys. While your Lhasa Apso might be an indoor pet, there is still a chance their favorite stuffed toy or a rubber bone could use a few minutes in a dishwasher/washing machine.
Your Lhasa Apso generally uses their mouths to play with their favorite toys, which is why it is so very important to keep their toys clean and disinfected on a regular basis. Dog toys should not be washed just to clean the ugly dirt, but also in order to kill the possible bacteria and germs. There are certain times your Lhasa Apso’s toy will be so very damaged, it is better to replace them than clean or try to repair them at all.
When you notice a toy is so heavily chewed and broken to be cleaned, it is most likely the right time to get rid of that toy and get a new one. You do not want your Lhasa Apso playing with plushies if their stuffing is falling out, or toys that can easily break and become a dangerous choking hazard.
Cleaning Your Lhasa Apso’s Toys
Most good quality dog toys come with proper cleaning instructions, follow these and you will be fine. These instructions are often found on the toy, or on the label of the packaging. Always try to follow the cleaning instructions that come with the labels. Certain dog toys require a different kind of cleaning in order to be properly cleaned, but if you are unsure, you can always ask the manufacturer’s support.
While cleaning the toys is very important, taking care of the toys between cleanings is also something to keep in mind. Leaving dog toys outside in the elements can cause dangerous chemical leach, even mold, and mildew. Most of these occur due to extreme heat, too much rain or snow.
Everyone knows how children react to their favorite toys, at times their beloved toys are a source of comfort, a way of relaxation and peace. Your Lhasa Apso is no different, they will appreciate and love their toy with all their heart, just not as much as they love you.
Companies Who Make The Safest Dog Toys On The Market
There might be no one who regulates the safety of dog toys on the market, but there are certainly companies who actually care. The following companies make high quality and completely toxin-free pet toys:
Kong Company
Most of us have heard of Kong pet products. Kong is a company located in Colorado and all of its products are made only in the US. Kong is currently one of the best pet product companies that offer nearly indestructible toys for a reasonable price. Thanks to their great website design, you can search up Lhasa Apso in order to find the right toy for them. Kong products are free of any toxins, they are no danger for your Lhasa Apso in any way at all.
West Paw Design
West Paw Design is a company based in Montana. Their main priority is creating pet products that are environmentally friendly. West Paw uses a flexible material named ‘’Zogoflex’’ this material utilizes 10% post-industrial waste. Zogoflex is a non-toxic, FDA compliant material. West Paw Designs even allows you to recycle their toys if you return them to the company.
Chuckit! Is a pet toy company located in the UK, they focus on producing fetch-related toys and they are doing a great job so far. Chuckit! It was first introduced back in 1990, it was a sports launcher that looked like a wand featuring a grip designed to hold a tennis ball. Chuckit! products are non-toxic and completely safe for a Lhasa Apso.
Nylabone is a pet product manufacturer based in New Jersey. This US-based company was founded back in 1955. Nylabone focuses on edible chews, dental treats, and chew toys. Their products are made out of a special nylon type, it is very durable and it is designed to clean your dog’s teeth and gums as they play and chew.
Toxins To Pay Attention To
There are many dog toys out there available in many different colors, shapes, sizes, and flavors. While some of the toys seem really adorable and they feature some interesting smells and colors, most of these are probably not 100% safe for your Lhasa Apso. There are certain toxins that can be found in some of the toys still available on the market, which is why you must be well-informed of how these toxins work and why you must avoid them at all costs.
BPA – Scientists have warned us of the health risks BPA has on reproductive problems and other issues in humans. Apparently, BPA is also very bad for our dogs. BPA is associated with changes done to their metabolism and gut microbiome.
PVC – PVC is short for Polyvinyl chloride, this toxin is not generally dangerous for our dogs, but certain manufacturers use toxic chemicals in order to make PVC flexible and softer than it originally is.
Lead – Lead is one of the most dangerous toxins to pay attention to, it can damage your Lhasa Apso’s organs, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract. The first signs of a dog poisoned by lead are diarrhea, anxiety, hysterical barking, lack of appetite, lack of coordination, blindness and much more.
Phthalates – Phthalate is often used in PVC products, over time, it can leach out and absorb through your Lhasa Apso’s skin. This is a huge danger for their kidneys and liver.
Melamine – Melamine is often linked with kidney failures. Certain pet foods were removed from the market due to the presence of melamine.
Chromium – Chromium might be useful for many things, it is even an insulin supplement for many dogs out there, but too high levels have shown to be very toxic and even cause cancer in humans.
Bromine – Bromine is a pet-safe alternative to pools and chlorine, but it has shown to have a bad effect on their digestive system and urination changes.
Arsenic – Arsenic is another extremely dangerous mineral that can cause big amounts of vomiting, a loss of consciousness and at times even terrible death in big doses. Just like lead, arsenic should be something to completely avoid if possible.
Formaldehyde – Formaldehyde is used to preserve chews, but with long-term exposure and very high doses, this mineral can cause serious problems with the respiratory system and digestion in your Lhasa Apso.
While no one is really regulating the safety of dog toys, there are many people who try and give out information about it. Maybe the experts did not make any safety standards at all, but free of BPA and phthalates companies are making it all much easier to understand.
When it comes to toxins, it is all about the exposure and dosages. Certain human foods actually contain arsenic, but that does not make them toxic. It is the toxic doses of arsenic that make him so very dangerous. This goes for many other toxins, we do not really know the ‘’threshold’’ for the toxins found in pet toys, but we know the presence, exposure and physiology play a big part in whether something is toxic or not.
Presence, Exposure, and Physiology
Whenever you are buying a toy for your Lhasa Apso, look at the label and see whether the manufacturer stated and tested the levels/concentrations of toxins in their dog toys. If they did, you will be able to see the presence of certain toxins and decide whether or not you still want this toy for your Lhasa Apso.
Certain toxins will have a higher chance of entering your dog’s system, especially if the products are meant to hold food/water. Of course, there are even chew toys with a compound that can leak from the toy as it is being chewed on, but it is many likely toys holding water or food will leach toxins considering they are in constant contact with the water.
You might have seen a golden retriever playing with a weird looking ball in the dog park the other day, but that does not mean this ball is not toxic for your Lhasa Apso. What is toxic for a small dog such as a Lhasa Apso, does not have to be toxic for a big dog such as a golden retriever. Same as older dogs are at a bigger risk than younger ones.
Tips On How To Check A Dog Toy For Potential Toxins
At times, you will see a dog toy manufactured overseas, it will look like a great toy, but you do not really know anything about that toy, do you? Even some toys manufactured in the U.S. are not 100% safe. It is important to know how to check if a toy you wish to buy contains any toxins dangerous for your Lhasa Apso.
Here are a couple of ways to ensure whether the toy you bought is safe or not:
- If you want to check, Archived Pet Supply Data contains some information that will help you see whether your product has been tested for toxins.
- You can check the FDA’s list of the products which were withdrawn and recalled.
- You can message or call the manufacturer and ask about the current presence of BPA, PVC, lead, chromium, melamine, arsenic, phthalates, bromine and formaldehyde. They must tell you the truth as it is.
- If you are suspicious of your dog behaving very strange after playing with a new toy, take them to the veterinarian, but take the toy too. Test both, your dog and the toy.
- You can send the product in for testing. This is very expensive and time-consuming, but you will have 100% real results.
Related Questions
Does anyone regulate the safety of grooming tools and other pet accessories? No, no one is currently regulating any of these products. FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine regulates drugs, food, and devices, but they are not regulating grooming tools and other pet accessories. (Check out my recommended Bath and Grooming products)
How much does it cost to test a product for BPA or phthalates? Testing pet products is a rather expensive thing to do, a single BPA test costs around $250, while a single test for phthalates goes up to $525 per test.
Dog toys made in China, are they safe? There are many unsafe dog toys that are manufactured in China, but there are also many those who are following very high standards and are made according to the latest safety standards. If you are buying a dog toy from China, make sure you pay attention to the labels and ask the manufacturer all the questions you might have.